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In house vs. outsource marketing

This is a dilemma that most companies eventually go through. There are many factors that go into determining what is the best decision for your firm. So let’s address the elephant in the room. Internet Business Ideas and Marketing LLC is an agency. I will offer the best solution that most successful business implores. Regardless I will give some pros and cons to aid in your decision.


An In-house person will be at your fingertips to make decisions in a split second. Although an agency will get back with you in a timely manner, majority of the time they won’t be as available as someone who works down the hall.


Initially hiring an agency may seem expensive but when you pencil out the cost you will be surprised to know this is untrue. Here is the annual salary for hiring an average in house specialist:

SEO: $42,000 Web Designer: $52,000 PPC: $50,000 Social Media: $53,000 Mobile App Developer: $107,000

I’m not including benefits, phone, electricity, and desk fees. A company could hire A good Agency to do SEO, PPC, Social Media, and Web Design (all in one) for a fraction of the price.

Company Culture:

If you were going to hire an in house employee you would spend intimate time during the hiring process, training, social activities, and immersing them in your culture. Ideally, you would have the perfect employee. Some agencies (like Ibi Marketing) will try to learn everything about their clients’ culture and personnel however it’s never the same as being present every day.


Coordinating and collaborating with other internal teams is easier, as in working together to support mutual goals. Most people believe that physically being together is ideal for comradery, brainstorming sessions, and growing the business.


An in house specialist will have the knowledge you desire initially. However, the landscape of online marketing changes so quick and often you have to continuously study. Google has stated in the past that they change their algorithms over 300 times annually. Imagine also keeping up with Yahoo, Bing, AOL, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, website updates, mobile app programs, and many other platforms. An in house specialist is extremely focused on product and company culture with not enough time in the day to constantly study. However, an agency (like Ibi Marketing) has a team of people that concentrates on all aspects of the business. Imagine having an expert on all online platforms, knowing the clients’ needs, gives monthly reports (more if necessary), advanced company strategy, build brand awareness, and increase ROI.

Have your cake and eat it too. In my opinion the solution is to hire a Jr. online marketing specialist or someone you can get for a lower end of the salary spectrum. Then outsource and hire an agency to do majority of the work, provide direction, and support. The agency could even guide or train the in house specialist. There’s no one-size fits all but this has been a successful strategy for many firms we’ve done business with.

If you can’t afford such a hybrid solution. . . . . . Only hire an honest, reputable, knowledgeable, affordable, goal oriented, efficient, Google Certified company with a 90% retention. Yes, I said it. Did you think I would write a 550-word blog and not plug Ibi at least once? Click here for a quote and free consultation.